dimanche 13 avril 2008

Light and frothy

Just as sometimes, you have the need for a Caramba or a gummi bear, there are times when you need a book that’s light and frothy. Candy literature or the equivalent of a sugary blast in your literary system if you will. And what a cheeky pleasure it is to find a well written one! Bride Hunter by Amy Appleton is the story of Rebecca who after suffering her own disastrous failure in love, decides to become a modern day matchmaker, hence her sobriquet Bride Hunter. She is utterly determined to save others from a lonely fate while at the same time keeping her own heart safe from further harm. Complications ensue when she realizes that she might be in danger of falling once more to the siren call of love despite all her efforts. Appleton keeps the tone light and funny, and the book zips along with its own charm. This is a book that can quite easily be turned into a great romantic comedy film well into the tradition of Notting Hill or Love Actually. Guaranteed to cheer you up (except perhaps crosspatchy individuals), this is the perfect antidote to gray days that continue to hide the long awaited spring.

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