It is a lighthearted burglar story through the French Riviera with Grant and Kelly effortlessly and wittily bantering back and forth with the kind of dialogue rarely written now. While much has been made of the charms of both Grant and Kelly (and admittedly they had it in spades), there is a third star in this movie and it’s the French Riviera. The dazzling coast with its sparkling turquoise waters, pretty villas and vibrant flower markets more than hold their own against the human “co-stars”. It is amazing to see the golden light that bathes every scene. Granted that all this light might well be Technicolor technology but I find that this particular light is no longer present in today’s romantic comedies. I suppose that this reflects the golden way of living of those times.
What is really nice about this movie is that it remains undated and fresh. Despite its initial release being over fifty years ago, it remains watchable today. Its theme, likable characters and most importantly beautiful cinematography allows the jaded viewers of today to relate to it and enjoy.